Dr Toyosi Adeniji

GP Partner, Northampton, First5 Chair, GP Partner, Northampton, First5 Chair

Dr Toyosi Adeniji is the RCGP First 5 Chair for the United Kingdom. She is a GP Partner in Northampton and PCN lead on Healthcare inequalities amongst other roles. She has won several awards and has recently been made a fellow with the Faculty of Medical leadership and management (FFMLM). She is also the Equality, diversity and Inclusion lead with RCGP Thames Valley Faculty. In 2021, she was one of the recipients of the national award as GP Trainee of the year and also the recipient of the prestigious RCGP Bill Style's award, all linked to original and innovative projects. She continues being a voice for excellence, professionalism and inclusion in the health system. In the past, she has been the Medical Director's Clinical fellow at her trust and led several transformative projects. As a leader, she is also an alumnus of the Oxford Saiid Business school Executive Leadership program. She is passionate about supporting professionals towards having a fulfilled and successful career. She is the founder of MedAcronyms App (which helps new starters to the NHS) and the visionary behind Leading Medics. Overall, she is committed to developing innovative and impactful legacies that will outlive her in all spheres she gets to operate in.